Iconografia / Iconography
Showing 25–32 of 32 results
Rouge et Or. Tresors du Portugal Baroque
32.50€ Add to cart -
Saint Benoît et son Héritage Artistique | São Bento e a sua Herança Artística | Saint Benedict and his Artistic Heritage
60.00€40.00€ Add to cart -
Tablero de Ajedrez. Imagenes del Negro Heroico en la Comedia Española y en la Literatura y Iconografía Sacra del Brasil Esclavista | Chess Board. Images of the Heroic Black Man in Spanish Comedy and in the Literature and Iconography of Black Slave Brazil
32.00€ Add to cart -
Tesouros Artísticos de Portugal | Artistic Treasures of Portugal | Trésors Artistiques du Portugal
26.50€15.50€ Add to cart -
The Chapel of St John the Baptist in the Church of São Roque. The Commission, the Building, the Collections
30.00€15.50€ Add to cart -
The Face of Chinese Opera | A Face da Ópera Chinesa
21.00€ Add to cart -
The Magnificent Building. Iconographic Tour and Message of the Palácio da Bolsa | Le Magnifique Bâtiment. Tour Iconographique et Méssage du Palais de la Bourse
8.50€ Add to cart -
Views of The Pearl River Delta. Macau, Canton and Hong Kong | 珠江三角洲的景色。澳門、廣東及香港 | Vistas do Delta do Rio das Pérolas. Macau, Cantão e Hong Kong
50.00€35.00€ Add to cart