Românico e Gótico / Romanesque and Gothic
Showing all 7 results
A Arte Relixiosa na Terra de Soneira (3 volumes / tomos)
150.00€95.00€ Add to cart -
A Morada da Sabedoria. O Paco Real de Coimbra das Origens ao Estabelecimento da Universidade | The Dwelling of Knowledge. Coimbra’s Royal Palace from its origins to the Establishment of the University
65.00€39.90€ Add to cart -
Aux Confins du Moyen-Age. Art Portugais XII-XVe siècle | Nos Confins da Idade Média. Arte em Portugal Séculos XII – XV | On the Edge of the Middle Ages. Portuguese Art 12th – 15th century
32.50€ Add to cart -
Las Pinturas sobre tabla de los siglos XV y XVI de la Catedral de Burgos | The 15th and 16th Centuries Panel Paintings of Burgo’s Cathedral
39.00€ Add to cart -
Las Sillerías Góticas Españolas | Spanish Gothic Stalls
24.00€ Add to cart -
Memória e Esplendor. Arte Sacra na Arquidiocese de Évora | Memory and Splendour. Sacred Art in the Archdiocese of Evora
48.50€29.70€ Add to cart -
10.00€7.00€ Add to cart